2 no. blocks comprising of 10,747sqm GIA with 345 no. bedrooms. Block one 158 no. bedroom and block two 187 no. bedrooms.
Ground floor level (1,177sqm) amenities and space for students (reception, study area, fitness studio, internal bicycle parking 175 no. spaces, refuge storage and recycling area, laundry room, plant). 161sqm of ground floor commercial start up space. Landscaped garden terrace (196sqm).
Bounded by United Presbyterian Church (a protected structure), materials used in development will match tones and finishes of existing church and adjoining buildings. A Visual Impact Assessment, Conservation Report, and Urban Design Report was prepared for the application.
Further Information
Architects: BDP Architects, ARC Consultants.
Engineers: Punch Consulting Engineers
Conservation Architects: Robin Mandal Conservation Architect